

New Products

  • Pinotage

    Vondellling Bowwood Pinotage Red 750Ml

    Ksh 8,070
  • In A Can

    In A Can Whiskey Collins

    Ksh 400
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  • Bombay Dry Gin 1ltr
    Bombay Dry Gin 1ltr
    Bombay Sapphire gin contains 10 exotic botanicals, including: Juniper Berries, Coriander Seeds, Liquorice Root, Almonds, Lemon Peel, Cassia Bark, Orris Root, Angelica Root, Cubeb Berries, Grains of Paradise.

    Ksh 3,200
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  • Bombay Dry Gin 750ml
    Bombay Dry Gin 750ml
    Bombay Sapphire gin contains 10 exotic botanicals, including: Juniper Berries, Coriander Seeds, Liquorice Root, Almonds, Lemon Peel, Cassia Bark, Orris Root, Angelica Root, Cubeb Berries, Grains of Paradise.

    Ksh 2,205
    Out of Stock !!     View