

New Products

  • Pinotage

    Vondellling Bowwood Pinotage Red 750Ml

    Ksh 8,070
  • In A Can

    In A Can Whiskey Collins

    Ksh 400
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  • Cornish Blue Rock Gin 70Cl
    Ksh 6,875
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  • Cornish Pink Rock Gin 70Cl
    Cornish Pink Rock Gin 70Cl
    The Folks Behind Cornish Rock Gin Have Been Busy Creating A Fabulous Pink Expression The Colour Comes From Red Grapes Imported From Champagne, Distilled Alongside Fresh Citrus Botanicals. ItS Then Blended With Cornish Spring Water Before Being Hand-Bottled.

    Ksh 5,500
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  • Cornish Rock Gin 70Cl
    Sale!  (-26%)
    Cornish Rock Gin 70Cl
    The Folks Behind Cornish Rock Gin Have Been Busy Creating A Fabulous Expression! Distilled Alongside Fresh Citrus Botanicals. ItS Then Blended With Cornish Spring Water Before Being Hand Bottled.

    Ksh 3,500    4,755
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  • Cornish Rock Gin Cherry Kiss 70cl
    Sale!  (-20%)
    Cornish Rock Gin Cherry Kiss 70cl
    Cherry Kiss Rock Gin is a smooth red gin with more than a hint of cherry. Our Cherry Kiss is distilled by hand in small batches using pure Cornish spring water combined with the following botanicals.

    Ksh 4,600    5,750
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  • Cornish Rock Gin Gold 70Cl
    Sale!  (-48%)
    Cornish Rock Gin Gold 70Cl
    Cornish Gold Rock Gin ... Our gin is distilled by hand in small batches using pure spring water from our own deep water source

    Ksh 3,600    6,875
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  • Cornish Rock Gin Orange Sunset 70CL
    Cornish Rock Gin Orange Sunset 70CL
    Rock Orange Sunset is a sophisticated, sugar free gin made from  natural ingredients and cut with crystal clear pure Cornish springwater. It is distilled by hand in small batches using the following botanicals, juniper berries, oris root, coriander seed, angelica root, pink pepper corns, lemon peel and finally orange peel and then after distillation it is matured in our vat with the addition of freeze dried Valencia Orange peel.

    Ksh 6,875
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  • Peanut Malt Whiskey 700Ml
    Single Malt
    Peanut Malt Whiskey 700Ml
    Peanut Malt Whiskey 700Ml

    Ksh 8,400
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  • White Expresso 70CL Rock Rum
    White Expresso 70CL Rock Rum
    made in North Cornwall and distilled by hand in small batches. It is then enhanced by serious espresso coffee grown by our nephew in Kenya and flown to us direct fresh from roasting and then distilled  with our rum until we achieve a pure white rum

    Ksh 5,200
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