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  • Pinotage

    Vondellling Bowwood Pinotage Red 750Ml

    Ksh 8,070
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    In A Can Whiskey Collins

    Ksh 400
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  • Frangelico Liqueur 70cl
    Frangelico Liqueur 70cl
    Frangelico Is A Pale Gold-Colored Liqueur Made Of Tonda Gentile Hazelnuts. It Is Distilled In The Piedmont Region Of Northern Italy From An Alcohol And Water Infusion Of The Toasted And Crushed Nuts. Natural Flavoring Extracts And Distillates Such As Cocoa, Coffee, And Vanilla Are Blended Into The Distillate.

    Ksh 2,300
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Frangelico is a brand of noisette (hazelnut) and herb-flavored liqueur which is produced in Canale, Italy. Frangelico is 20% alcohol by volume, 40 proof.

Frangelico was released in the 1980s, gaining attention largely because of its unusual packaging; its bottle was designed to look like a friar, complete with a knotted white cord around the waist. Frangelico is most commonly sold in two sizes: 750ml and 375ml.

Frangelico can be used to make many cocktails, such as the Hazelnut Martini, the Frangelico Colada, and Frangelico and Cranberry Juice.

Frangelico can be combined with vodka to make the Chocolate Cake shot; it can also be served simply on ice, with soda water, or with coffee.

For best deals on Frangelico shop at