

New Products

  • Pinotage

    Vondellling Bowwood Pinotage Red 750Ml

    Ksh 8,070
  • In A Can

    In A Can Whiskey Collins

    Ksh 400
All new products
  • Grey Goose 1Ltr
    Grey Goose 1Ltr
    From Cognac In France, This Breakthrough Wheat-Based Small-Batch Ultra-Premium Vodka Has Achieved Global Success And Won A Platinum Medal At The World Spirits Championship. Clean And Fresh, With A Smooth, Creamy Texture.

  • Grey Goose Vodka Original 3Ltr
    AvailableOnline only
    Grey Goose Vodka Original 3Ltr
    The Wheat Sold To Grey Goose Is Categorized As "Superior Bread-Making Wheat", And Wheat That Is Soft. Although Made From Wheat, As A Distilled Spirit, Grey Goose Is Gluten-Free. The Distillation Process Removes The Gluten From The Purified Final Product.

    Ksh 18,800
  • Grey Goose Vodka Original 4.5Lt
    AvailableOnline only
    Grey Goose Vodka Original 4.5Lt
    Grey Goose is a brand of vodka produced in France. It was created in the 1990s by Sidney Frank, who sold it in 2004 to Bacardi

    Ksh 31,250
  • Grey Goose Vodka Original 750ML
    Grey Goose Vodka Original 750ML
    Grey Goose is a clear, fresh and elegant vodka with floral aromas on the nose along with subtle citrus notes. On the palate, it is initially soft with a gentle sweetness gradually enveloping the mouth. There are present hints of almond. The finish is fresh, long and satisfying.