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    Vondellling Bowwood Pinotage Red 750Ml

    Ksh 8,070
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  • Hendricks 1Ltr
    Hendricks 1Ltr
    Is A Brand Of Gin Produced By William Grant & Sons At The Girvan Distillery, Scotland, And Launched In 1999. In Addition To The Traditional Juniper Infusion, HendrickS Uses Bulgarian Rose And Cucumber To Add Flavour. HendrickS Gin Is Bottled In A Dark Brown, Apothecary Style Bottle.

  • Hendricks 750Ml
    Hendricks 750Ml
    Is A Brand Of Gin Produced By William Grant & Sons At The Girvan Distillery, Scotland, And Launched In 1999. ... In Addition To The Traditional Juniper Infusion, Hendricks Uses Bulgarian Rose And Cucumber To Add Flavour. Hendricks Gin Is Bottled In A Dark Brown, Apothecary-Style Bottle.

  • Hendricks Amazonia 1Lt
    Hendricks Amazonia 1Lt

    Hendricks Amazonia is based on the original Hendricks gin recipe, with its signature cucumber and rose botanicals, but with the addition of Amazon flora. Bottled at 43.4% ABV, Hendricks Amazonia is said to be a bright and tropical gin. It will be available to purchase in global travel retail from March 2020.

    Ksh 6,000
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  • Hendricks MidSummer Solstice 700Ml
    Hendricks MidSummer Solstice 700Ml
    Hendricks Midsummer Solstice Gin 700ml. Light, crisp & flirtatiously floral.

    Ksh 6,200
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  • Hendricks Orbium Gin 700Ml
    Hendricks Orbium Gin 700Ml
    Hendricks in a parallel universe, Orbium is the first quininated gin ever produced, with two bitter elements rounded out by an intense floral profile. Orbium comes in the same iconic apothecary style bottle synonymous with Hendricks, in a dark blue thats inspired by the lotus blossom.

    Ksh 4,750
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  • Hendricks Teatime 1L
    Hendricks Teatime 1L
    No other gin is made like it. The delightful infusions of cucumber and Bulgarian Rose are one of the main features that set the taste of Hendricks apart from other gins. The Bulgarian Rose is extracted by gently pressing essential oils from the petals.

    Ksh 5,200
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Hendrick's Gin is a brand of gin produced by William Grant & Sons in Girvan, Scotland, and launched in 1999.
In addition to the traditional juniper infusion, Hendrick's uses Bulgarian rose and cucumber to add flavour.
Hendrick's gin is bottled in a dark blue apothecary-style bottle.

Hendrick's gin awarded two double gold, two gold, and three silver medals between 2005 and 2012 in The San Francisco World Spirits Competition

For best deals on Hendrick's gin shop at