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  • Pinotage

    Vondellling Bowwood Pinotage Red 750Ml

    Ksh 8,070
  • In A Can

    In A Can Whiskey Collins

    Ksh 400
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  • Inverroche Gin Amber 750Ml
    Inverroche Gin Amber 750Ml
    The Inverroche Gin Amber is produced with an amazing blend of exciting flavors. It is amalgamated with the crisp and fresh botanicals of Africa as well as spices and berries from Europe and India. This drink is full bodied and excellently balanced. It is best enjoyed neat on ice or with tonic and a curl of orange zest.

  • Inverroche Gin Classic 750Ml
    Inverroche Gin Classic 750Ml
    Inverroche Classic Gin Bottling Note A floral South African gin made using botanicals known as Fynbos from the Cape Floral Kingdom, which are placed in the steam basket during distillation.

    Ksh 4,903
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  • Inverroche Gin Verdant 750Ml
    Inverroche Gin Verdant 750Ml
    Inverroche Verdant Gin Bottling Note A South African gin with a handsome tint that comes from infusion with   late summer bloom after distillation.