

New Products

  • Pinotage

    Vondellling Bowwood Pinotage Red 750Ml

    Ksh 8,070
  • In A Can

    In A Can Whiskey Collins

    Ksh 400
All new products
  • Belvedere Citrus 70Cl
    AvailableOnline only
    Belvedere Citrus 70Cl
    Belvedere Citrus is the result of soaking citrus peels, Italian and Argentine lemons, and Mexican limes into our already distinctive vodka. The final product delivers a fresh and bright flavor. Made With Nature - Made from only Polska rye, purified water and a distillation process by fire.

    Ksh 4,750
  • Crystal Head Vodka 750ml
    AvailableOnline only
    Crystal Head Vodka 750ml
    Crystal Head Vodka 750ml

    Ksh 4,900
  • Kolonov Premium Vodka 750ML
    AvailableOnline only
    Kolonov Premium Vodka 750ML
    Kolonov Premium Vodka 750ML

    Ksh 650
  • Vodka Grain Karavan Premium 700Ml
    Vodka Grain Karavan Premium 700Ml
    Vodka Grain Karavin Premium 700Ml

  • Vodka Karavan Premium 70cl
    Sale!  (-41%)
    Vodka Karavan Premium 70cl
    Karavan is based on the original Vodka recipe favoured by the Russian Imperial Court. It is triple distilled from pure grain and blended with spring water from deep sandstone wells in the Vosges Mountains.

    Reduced price!Ksh 1,100 1,850
  • Vodka Ruskov 1Ltr
    Vodka Ruskov 1Ltr
    Pleasant, Powerful On The Finish. The Drink Of Choice To Accompany Caviar And Smoked Salmon. Also As An Aperitif, An After-Dinner Drink, Or In Cocktails (With Orange Juice Or Soft Drinks Such As Cola).
    Country Origin: France