

New Products

  • Pinotage

    Vondellling Bowwood Pinotage Red 750Ml

    Ksh 8,070
  • In A Can

    In A Can Whiskey Collins

    Ksh 400
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  • Absolut Citron 750Ml
    Absolut Citron 750Ml
    Made with Absolut Vodka and citrus flavours.Absolut Citron is smooth and mellow, with a fresh fruity lemon and lime character and a note of lemon peel. Absolut Citron is made exclusively from natural ingredients. Does not contain any added sugar.

  • Absolut Vanilla Flavored 750Ml
    Absolut Vanilla Flavored 750Ml
    Absolut Vanilia is a vanilla flavoured vodka made exclusively from natural ingredients, and it doesnt contain any added sugar. Absolut Vanilia is rich, robust and complex. It has a distinct taste of vanilla, notes of butterscotch and hints of dark chocolate.

  • Absolut Vodka 1Ltr
    Absolut Vodka 1Ltr
    Absolut Vodka Is A Swedish Vodka Made Exclusively From Natural Ingredients, And Unlike Some Other Vodkas, It Doesnt Contain Any Added Sugar. In Fact, Absolut Is As Clean As Vodka Can Be.

  • Absolut Vodka 37.5cl
    Absolut Vodka 37.5cl
    Absolut Vodka is very clear with aromas of soft grains. Its palate is medium-bodies and warm with a hint of softness leading to a clear and soft finish. In the event of a price discrepancy between online and in store, the ANBL store price prevails

  • Absolut Vodka 4.5Ltr
    Absolut Vodka 4.5Ltr
    Absolut Vodka Is A Swedish Vodka Made Exclusively From Natural Ingredients, And Unlike Some Other Vodkas, It DoesnT Contain Any Added Sugar. In Fact, Absolut Is As Clean As Vodka Can Be.

    Ksh 9,677
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  • Absolut Vodka 750Ml
    Absolut Vodka 750Ml
    Absolut Vodka Is A Swedish Vodka Made Exclusively From Natural Ingredients, And Unlike Some Other Vodkas, It Doesnt Contain Any Added Sugar. In Fact, Absolut Is As Clean As Vodka Can Be.