

New Products

  • Pinotage

    Vondellling Bowwood Pinotage Red 750Ml

    Ksh 8,070
  • In A Can

    In A Can Whiskey Collins

    Ksh 400
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  • Bacardi Black 1Ltr
    Bacardi Black 1Ltr
    Bacardi Black Is A Dark And Intense Rum That Captures The Bold Flavors Of Oak, Orange Peel And Sweet Molasses. Bacardi Black Is Blended Using Rums Aged Between One And Three Years In Heavily Charred Oak Barrels, Then Shaped Through A Secret Blend Of Charcoals, To Craft A Dark Rum That Has A Bold And Intense Taste.

  • Bacardi Breezer Pineapple 275Ml
    AvailableOnline only
    Bacardi Breezer Pineapple 275Ml
    Bacardi Breezer Pineapple 275Ml

    Ksh 300
  • Bacardi Breezer Strawberry Flavour 330Ml
    AvailableOnline only
    Bacardi Breezer Strawberry Flavour 330Ml
    Tasty and refreshing alcohol drink consisting of Bacardi rum, fruit flavour and beautiful bubbles. DISCLAIMER: Note that there may be restrictions for certain countries that make it impossible to introduce alcohol. Ready to drink.

    Ksh 300
  • Bacardi Breezer Watermelon Flavour 330Ml
    AvailableOnline only
    Bacardi Breezer Watermelon Flavour 330Ml
    BACARDI Breezer Watermelon is a ready to drink premixed drink containing a refreshing mix of BACARDI rum, fruit flavors and sparkling water. It is delicious, vibrant and easy-tasting; a fun drink to have while unwinding with friends.

    Ksh 300
  • Bacardi Carta Nerga Black 750ML
    Bacardi Carta Nerga Black 750ML
    ACARDÍ Carta Negra is a medium-bodied black rum, crafted with passion by the Maestros de Ron Bacardí. Its rich, dark flavours develop in heavily charred oak barrels and are shaped through a secret blend of charcoals

  • Bacardi Clear 3Ltr
    AvailableOnline only
    Bacardi Clear 3Ltr
    In The Us It Is Bottled At 80 Proof (40% Abv) And At 75 Proof (37.5% Abv) In The Uk And Continental Europe. This Rum Is Mostly Used To Make Cocktails Calling For A White Rum Such As Cuba Libre, Daiquiri, Piña Colada, Mojito, And Bacardi Cocktail.

    Ksh 6,260
  • Bacardi Oak Heart 700Ml
    AvailableOnline only
    Bacardi Oak Heart 700Ml
    Bacardi Oakheart is a spiced rum-based spirit and is so-called because some of the rums are matured in ex bourbon oak casks. Notes of custard, maple and honey flavours coat the tongue and finishes with a touch of pepper.

    Ksh 1,850
  • Bacardi Oro Gold 750Ml
    Bacardi Oro Gold 750Ml
    It Is A Premium, Golden Rum, Offering A More Prominent Flavour Profile To Bacardi Superior Rum. The Extended Ageing Process Allows The Infusion Of Subtle Nut, Wood And Dried Fruit Flavours Into The Rum From The Charred Wood Barrels.


  • Bacardi Rum Spiced 70Cl
    Bacardi Rum Spiced 70Cl
     Bacardi Spiced Rum is made with rum aged and unaged, with a hint of smokiness from charred American oak

  • Bacardi Spiced 1LT
    AvailableOnline only
    Bacardi Spiced 1LT
    BACARDÍ Spiced has a caramel-like vanilla flavor with subtle notes of almond and dried, dark fruits rounded out by cinnamon, nutmeg, and a touch of honey creates a balanced rum with a hint of smokiness.

    Ksh 2,150
  • Bacardi White Rum 1Ltr
    Bacardi White Rum 1Ltr
    The Best-Selling Spirit Brand Worldwide, Enjoyed In More Than 170 Countries. Bacardi Carta Blanca Was Created In 1862 And Is Still, Remarkably, A Family-Controlled Brand.

  • Bacardi White Rum 750Ml
    Bacardi White Rum 750Ml
    In The Us It Is Bottled At 80 Proof (40% Abv) And At 75 Proof (37.5% Abv) In The Uk And Continental Europe. This Rum Is Mostly Used To Make Cocktails Calling For A White Rum Such As Cuba Libre, Daiquiri, Piña Colada, Mojito, And Bacardi Cocktail.


Bacardi Limited  is the largest privately held, family-owned spirits company in the world. Originally Bacardi known for its eponymous Bacardi white rum, Bacardi now has a portfolio of more than 200 brands and labels.

Bacardi produce and market a variety of internationally recognized premium spirits and wines.Bacardi rum, the world's best-selling and most-awarded rum, as well as the world¹s most-awarded spirit GREY GOOSE vodka, the world's leading super premium vodka; DEWAR'S Blended Scotch whisky, the world¹s most awarded blended Scotch and the number-one selling premium blended Scotch whisky in the United States.

For Best Deals on Bacardi Spirits and Wines Shop at