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  • Pinotage

    Vondellling Bowwood Pinotage Red 750Ml

    Ksh 8,070
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    In A Can Whiskey Collins

    Ksh 400
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  • Gordons 750Ml
    Gordons 750Ml
    The Special London Dry Gin He Developed Proved Successful, And Its Secret Recipe Remains Unchanged To This Day. The Distinctively Refreshing Taste Comes From The Finest Handpicked Juniper Berries And A Selection Of Other Botanicals. Its The Taste Thats Made Gordons The Worlds Best-Selling London Dry Gin.

  • Gordons Ltr
    Gordons Ltr
    The Special London Dry Gin He Developed Proved Successful, And Its Secret Recipe Remains Unchanged To This Day. The Distinctively Refreshing Taste Comes From The Finest Handpicked Juniper Berries And A Selection Of Other Botanicals. ItS The Taste Thats Made GordonS The WorldS Best Selling London Dry Gin.

  • Gordons pink gin 1Ltr
    Gordons pink gin 1Ltr
    A new pink gin from Gordons – an accessible, sweet, red berry flavoured gin, tapping into the growing pink gin 

  • Gordons pink gin 700Ml
    Gordons pink gin 700Ml
    A new pink gin from Gordons – an accessible, sweet, red berry flavoured gin, tapping into the growing pink gin 

  • Gordons Silican Lemon 1Ltr
    AvailableOnline only
    Gordons Silican Lemon 1Ltr
    Gordons Sicilian lemon distilled gin is a delicious mediterranean twist inspired by a 1931 Gordons lemon recipe. The classic taste of Gordons perfectly balanced with flavourful lemons from sun-soaked sicily. Made with only natural flavourings and with colourings.

    Ksh 2,500


Gordons is a brand of London Dry gin first produced in 1769.
Gordons is owned by the British spirits company Diageo and is made in Scotland.

Gordons is the world's best selling London Dry gin.
Gordon's has been the UK's number one gin since the late 19th century.

The recipe for Gordons is known to only twelve people in the world and has been kept a secret for 250 years. Triple-distilled, the gin contains juniper berries, coriander seeds, angelica root, liquorice, orris root, orange and lemon peel.

For best deals on Gordons shop at