

New Products

  • Pinotage

    Vondellling Bowwood Pinotage Red 750Ml

    Ksh 8,070
  • In A Can

    In A Can Whiskey Collins

    Ksh 400
All new products
  • Argento Estate Bottled Organic Malbec  Red 750ML (Argento Mablec Seleccion)
    Argento Estate Bottled Organic Malbec Red 750ML (Argento Mablec Seleccion)
    This Superb Malbec Has A Deep Purple Colour And Offers Concentrated Aromas Of Plums, Black Cherries And Notes Of Violet. Served With Beef, Lamb, Poultry

  • Argento Malbec Classic 750Ml
    Argento Malbec Classic 750Ml
    This Superb Malbec Is Deep Dark Violet In Colour And Offers Powerful Aromas Of Blackstone Fruit And Notes Of Chocolate. Served With Beef, Lamb, Poultry

    Ksh 1,850
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  • Argento Malbec Reserva Red 750Ml
    Argento Malbec Reserva Red 750Ml
    Deep intense purple red color with violet hues. Swirling aromas of black
    cherries, plumns followed by floral hints of violet. Its oak aging delivers notes
    that reminiscent of chocolate ans licorice. This mid palate is juicy with good
    concentration, full of ripe plums and violets, rounded off smoothly by soft tannins
    and a long lingering finish.”

  • Aruma Malbec Red 750Ml
    Sale!  (-15%)
    Aruma Malbec Red 750Ml
    Nose Revealing Aromas Of Red Fruits Evoking Ripe Plum, Cherry And Raspberry, As Well As Hints Of Light Spices. Served With Beef, Lamb, Poultry

    Ksh 3,545    4,170
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  • Estancia Mendoza Malbec Red 750Ml
    Sale!  (-15%)
    Estancia Mendoza Malbec Red 750Ml
    “Intense red with violet shades. Aroma and flavor that resemble red fruit, plums
    and raspberries. Excellent body.Pairing: red meat in general, pasta and cheese.”

    Ksh 1,488    1,750
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  • Estancia Mendoza Oak / Malbec Roble Red 750Ml
    Estancia Mendoza Oak / Malbec Roble Red 750Ml
    Violet wine with very intense deep blue reflections. We find many fruits reminiscent
    of plums and blackberries combined with violets and aromas from oak barrels, such
    as smoke and chocolate. Friendly entrance with good structure, round tannins, very
    balanced with a long finish.”

    Ksh 2,000
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  • Jp Chenet Malbec 750Ml
    Jp Chenet Malbec 750Ml
    Ruby Red. An Expressive Bouquet Of Blackcurrant, Well-Balanced And Nicely Structured. Served With Beef, Spicy Food, Mature And Hard Cheese, Poultry

    Ksh 900
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  • Juicy Steak Malbec Red 750Ml
    Juicy Steak Malbec Red 750Ml
    “This Fruity flavourful Malbec is deep burgundy in colour and offers aromas of red berries with subtle notes of tobacco. Black cherry and red fruit flavours are
    complemented by light herbaceous notes leading into a soft, balance finish.”

  • Mandala De Argento Malbec Red 750ml
    Mandala De Argento Malbec Red 750ml
    Intense red color with blue shades. This wine has a very good freshness due ro the early harvest of the grapes to preserve its natural acidity. Aromas of red fruits, strawberry and raspberry. Easy to drink with a fresh end. Can be paired with Pasta with tomato sause, lean beef, pizza and semi sweet chocolate.

  • Minimalista Malbec Red 750Ml
    Minimalista Malbec Red 750Ml

    “This superb Malbec is deep dark violet in colour and offers powerful aromas of black stone fruit and notes of chocolate. Blackberry and black currant fruit flavours with a touch of sweet spice lead into a long lingering finish with ripe velvety tannins.”

  • Pacheco Pereda Legado Red 750Ml
    Pacheco Pereda Legado Red 750Ml
    Franc Red Of Mediumintensity. Vinous Aroma, Intense, Ripe Fruit. Soft Entry And Juicy Finish. Served With Beef, Lamb, Poultry

    Ksh 1,265
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  • Pacheco Pereda Malbec Red 750Ml
    Pacheco Pereda Malbec Red 750Ml
    This wine is fruity and expressive, with a frank red colour, aromas of red fruits such as cherries, and tabacco notes. Herbal in the month, with a smooth and balanced finish.

  • Rigal OriginalMalbec Red 750Ml
    Rigal OriginalMalbec Red 750Ml

    A fruity, gourmet and well-balanced wine with an intense and complex nose. Robust and lively with fine peppered tannins. Ageing potential.  Perfect foil for red meats, as well as sweet and sour cuisine.

  • Terra Argenta Malbec 750Ml
    Terra Argenta Malbec 750Ml
    Plush Red With Black Berry, Plum, Cherry And Nuanced Flavours Of Coco Powder, Smoke And Leather. Served With Beef, Lamb, Poultry

  • Trumpeter Malbec 2019 700Ml
    Trumpeter Malbec 2019 700Ml
    A dense inky colour and attractive cherry aromas with a touch of cinnamon and sweet spice. A fruity wine with excellent body, intense tannins and flavours of cherry, blackberry, boysenberry and plum intermingled with hints of cardamom and pepper. A prolonged mouth filling finish.

    Ksh 1,650
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  • Trumpeter Reserva Malbec 2019 700Ml
    Trumpeter Reserva Malbec 2019 700Ml
    Trumpeter Reserva Malbec 2019 700Ml

    Ksh 1,850
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