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    Vondellling Bowwood Pinotage Red 750Ml

    Ksh 8,070
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    In A Can Whiskey Collins

    Ksh 400
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  • JJ Whitley Pink Cherry Gin 70Cl
    JJ Whitley Pink Cherry Gin 70Cl
    A sugary stone fruit and fresh orange almonds aroma with an initial sweetness leading into marzipan, sour cherry and juniper on the palate. The finish is smooth with cherry, almond and a little lingering spice. A beautifully versatile gin that makes for a delicious twist on a G&T or cocktail.

    Ksh 4,100
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  • JJ Whitley Violet Gin 70Cl
    JJ Whitley Violet Gin 70Cl
    JJ Whitley Violet Gin is the product of eight generations of distilling history. Its recipe uses a blend of eight botanicals including juniper, angelica root, coriander and liquorice with a natural flavour burst of the quintessential English country garden flower, the violet.

    Ksh 4,100
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  • Whitley Neill Aloe & Cucumber Gin 1Ltr
    Whitley Neill Aloe & Cucumber Gin 1Ltr
    Whitley Neills gin range grows once again with the addition of this Aloe & Cucumber Gin! Inspired by South Africas Karoo Desert, this features a hearty helping of aloe to give it a fragrant, vegetal though subtly sweet flavour profile, bolstered by familiar cucumber freshness.

    Ksh 5,900
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  • Whitley Neill Blackberry 1Ltr
    Whitley Neill Blackberry 1Ltr
    Containing a smooth flavour, with a core of delicious, piney juniper followed by zesty sweet citrus and hints of wonderful black pepper. The finish has a little earthiness alongside the warming spice of cassia.

    Ksh 3,260
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  • Whitley Neill Blood Orange 750ml
    Whitley Neill Blood Orange 750ml
    Bright, zesty aromas head up a clean, citrus Gin. A sweet fruit burst of Sicilian Blood Oranges offers a smooth crisp taste of the Mediterranean sun. A passion for discovery runs through all eight generations of the Whitley Neill family tree.

    Ksh 3,250
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  • Whitley Neill Blood Orange Gin 1Ltr
    Whitley Neill Blood Orange Gin 1Ltr
    A sweet fruit burst of SICILIAN BLOOD ORANGES.
    Bright, zesty aromas head up a clean, citrus Gin. A sweet fruit burst of Sicilian Blood Oranges offers a smooth crisp taste of the Mediterranean sun. A passion for discovery runs through all eight generations of the Whitley Neill family tree.

    Ksh 4,750
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  • Whitley Neill Goose Berry 700ML
    Whitley Neill Goose Berry 700ML
    a delicious, lightly sweetened gooseberry flavoured gin with hints of pear that has its roots in a classic dry gin. Tasting Notes: Aroma notes of cinnamon, dry spice, pear and apple. Taste : vanilla, stone fruits, pear and white pepper spice. Slight sweetness followed by a touch of dryness.

    Ksh 3,518
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  • Whitley Neill LemonGrass & Ginger 1Ltr
    Whitley Neill LemonGrass & Ginger 1Ltr
    A taste for adventure and discovery runs through all eight generations of the Whitley Neill family tree. Alongside our Quince gin, our Lemongrass & Ginger Gin was inspired by Frederick Neill’s voyages. Whilst in Asia he discovered the fragrant and citrus infused lemongrass. This was a popular ingredient within local delicacies, the lemongrass was blended with warming ginger as well as a variety of exotic herbs and spices giving Whitley Neill Lemongrass & Ginger Gin its distinctive, fragrant, citrusy taste.

    Ksh 3,500
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  • Whitley Neill Orginal Dry Gin 1Ltr
    Whitley Neill Orginal Dry Gin 1Ltr
    Whitley Neill, award winning distiller, since 1762. Traditional English Gins hand crafted in small batches. Inspired by flavours from around the world.

    Ksh 3,500
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  • Whitley Neill Orginal Dry Gin 70Cl
    Whitley Neill Orginal Dry Gin 70Cl
    Whitley Neill Gin is slightly softer and much smoother than traditional Gins, with rich notes of juniper and citrus, pot pourri and exotic spices. The finish is a long one, with a subtle fade of herbs, cocoa and candied lemon peels, while the nose is both citrus-sweet and peppery, with a distinctive floral aroma.

    Ksh 4,375
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  • Whitley Neill Parma Violet Gin 1Ltr
    Whitley Neill Parma Violet Gin 1Ltr
    Whitley Neill Parma Violet is inspired by flavours of the Italian countryside. A luxurious handcrafted gin of exceptional quality with bright vibrant flavours

    Ksh 4,750
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  • Whitley Neill Protea & Hibiscus 75Cl
    Whitley Neill Protea & Hibiscus 75Cl

    Whitley Neill has centred the flavour by infusing two uniquely South Africa botanical icons, the national flower Protea and the coastal hibiscus plant. The combination is quirky, naturally floral and has a comfortable smooth finish. The citrus aroma makes a perfect elderflower tonic companion.

    Ksh 3,250
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  • Whitley Neill Quince Gin 1ltr
    Whitley Neill Quince Gin 1ltr
    The sweetness of fresh stone fruits appears immediately, gently followed by hints of juniper and citrus zest. And its the unmistakable sweet tang of Turkish quince, blended with a heady mix of Persian herbs and spices that gives Whitley Neill Quince Gin its distinctive, alluring taste. ...

    Ksh 3,262
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  • Whitley Neill Quince Gin 70Cl
    Whitley Neill Quince Gin 70Cl
    The sweetness of fresh stone fruits appears immediately, gently followed by hints of juniper and citrus zest. And its the unmistakable sweet tang of Turkish quince, blended with a heady mix of Persian herbs and spices that gives Whitley Neill Quince Gin its distinctive, alluring taste. ...

    Ksh 5,875
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  • Whitley Neill Raspberry Gin 1Ltr
    Whitley Neill Raspberry Gin 1Ltr
    Initial and distinct juniper, coriander and liquorice give way to the bright, fresh, vibrant taste of Scottish raspberries. A perfectly balanced gin with a delicate, fruity profile and a lasting raspberry finish.

    Ksh 4,330
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  • Whitley Neill Rhubarb AND Ginder Gin 1tr
    Whitley Neill Rhubarb AND Ginder Gin 1tr
    Striking extension to the Whitley Neill range; the initial sweetness gives way to crisp rhubarb and a warm ginger finish. The essence of rhubarb adds a tart crisp edge to a smooth English gin base whilst the ginger extract warms the palate for a full bodied finish.

    Ksh 4,330
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  • Whitley Neill Rhubarb and Ginger Gin 70Cl
    Whitley Neill Rhubarb and Ginger Gin 70Cl
    Striking extension to the Whitley Neill range; the initial sweetness gives way to crisp rhubarb and a warm ginger finish. The essence of rhubarb adds a tart crisp edge to a smooth English gin base whilst the ginger extract warms the palate for a full bodied finish.

    Ksh 4,700
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