

New Products

  • Pinotage

    Vondellling Bowwood Pinotage Red 750Ml

    Ksh 8,070
  • In A Can

    In A Can Whiskey Collins

    Ksh 400
All new products
  • Ballozi Lager Can 500ml
    Ballozi Lager Can 500ml
    Ballozi Lager Can 500ml

  • Bavaria Ginger Lime 50CL
    Bavaria Ginger Lime 50CL
    Bavaria 0.0% Ginger Lime Malt is a non-alcoholic malt drink with a refreshing lime flavor and a hint of spicy ginger. Where the sharp ginger leaves you with a small sparkle, the sweet lime flavor is a true refresher. This exciting blend of citrus fruit flavor and spice serves the perfect thirst quencher.

    Ksh 2,820
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  • bavaria orginal
    bavaria orginal
    Brewed with the best natural ingredients and natural mineral water from Bavarias own spring. With a pleasant aftertaste with a grain,like sweetness and refreshing bite.

    Ksh 140
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  • Bavaria-Apple 50CL
    Bavaria-Apple 50CL
    Bavaria 0.0% Apple Malt is a non-alcoholic malt drink with a pleasant, natural freshness of apples. Without being too sweet, this malt drink focuses on the flavour of real apples and it has a sparkling body. Light, refreshing and deliciously fruity.

    Ksh 140
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  • Bila Shaka Ipa 330ml
    Bila Shaka Ipa 330ml
    Bila Shaka is a classic IPA, with rosy hops on the nose and a satisfying finish. Bila Shaka is a product of Bateleur Beer, an unfiltered craft beer made in Kenya. Its a bottle conditioned beer with no preservatives, no stabilisers, no sugar added.

    Ksh 240
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  • Chez Guerilla 330ml
    Chez Guerilla 330ml
    Rich, intense aroma of coffee, chocolate with notes of dry fruits, liquorice. Intense roasted, malty flavour combined with subtle fruity accents. Full-bodied, thick, creamy with clearly marked bitterness

    Ksh 260
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  • Corona Extra 355Ml Case
    Corona Extra 355Ml Case
    Is a pale lager produced by Mexican brewery Cervecería Modelo and owned by Belgian company AB InBev. It is commonly served with a wedge of lime or lemon in the neck of the bottle to add tartness and flavour. 24 piece in a case

    Ksh 10,770
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  • Desparado Case 330Ml
    Desparado Case 330Ml
    Desperados Is The Worlds First Tequila Flavoured Beer Available In A Case Of 2

    Ksh 7,300
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  • Dire straits 330ml
    Dire straits 330ml
    Crisp and delicate taste with resinous and earthy characteristics. Mildly herby, spicy. Gentle bitterness. With two types of hops magnum, stygian Golding, Dire Straits Golden Lager is a product of Bateleur Beer, an unfiltered craft beer made in Kenya.

    Ksh 230
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  • Dirty hairy 330ml
    Dirty hairy 330ml
     Deep Amber copper hue from the red malt. Gentle Toffee sweetness and biscuit notes with a fruity & floral aroma and toasted malt. With three types of hops magnum, cascade and chinook, Dirty Hairy Copper Ale is a product of Bateleur Beer, an unfiltered craft beer made in Kenya.

    Ksh 230
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  • Guinness Cans Case
    Guinness Cans Case
    The best way to drink Guinness at home

    Ksh 6,000
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  • Guinness Smooth Case 500Ml
    Guinness Smooth Case 500Ml
    Made from hops and roasted barley with a touch of local flavours, the company describes the drink to have a uniquely smooth and refreshing taste. ... With the coffee and rich notes from the roasted barley marrying with a fruity, butterscotch flavour from the brewing process, Guinness Smooth is truly unique.

    Ksh 6,240
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  • Heineken Beer Case 330Ml
    Heineken Beer Case 330Ml
    Feel And Enjoy Wherever You Are A True Touch Of Class With A Cold Can Of Heineken, The Refreshing Taste That Is Kept Safe From Light And Air. Be Reassured The Can Saves The Balanced Richness In Taste, The Refreshing Clarity And A Beautiful Golden-Yellow Colour Inside.

  • Heineken Can 500Ml
    Heineken Can 500Ml
    Heineken Can 500Ml

    Ksh 5,200
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  • Heineken Zero
    Heineken Zero
    Heineken Zero

    Ksh 6,850
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  • Hunters Dry 300Ml
    Hunters Dry 300Ml
    hunters dry is a beer that belongs to Hunters family. It is classified as cider-beer and is produced in South Africa. hunters dry has 5.5% ABV (Alcohol By Volume).

  • John Smith Es
    John Smith Es
    John Smith Es

    Ksh 675
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  • Jua Kali 330ml
    Jua Kali 330ml
    Pale straw colour beer, clear appearance. Delicate citrus and herbal aroma because of addition of Japanese hops. Low bitterness is well balanced with crispy and dry finish. Very refreshing, thirst quenching.

    Ksh 210
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  • Kenya Orginal Apple and Lime 330ML
    Kenya Orginal Apple and Lime 330ML
    Kenya Orginal Apple and Lime 330ML

  • Kenya Orginal Mango and Chilli 330ML
    Kenya Orginal Mango and Chilli 330ML
    Kenya Orginal Mango and Chilli 330ML

  • KO Honey And Lemon 330ML Bottle
    KO Honey And Lemon 330ML Bottle
    KO Honey And Lemon 330ML Bottle

  • KO Lime And Ginger 330ML Bottle
    KO Lime And Ginger 330ML Bottle
    KO Lime And Ginger 330ML Bottle

  • KO Passion Fruit And Lime 330ML Bottle
    KO Passion Fruit And Lime 330ML Bottle
    KO Passion Fruit And Lime 330ML Bottle

    Ksh 283
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  • KO Pineapple And Mint 330ML Bottle
    KO Pineapple And Mint 330ML Bottle
    KO Pineapple And Mint 330ML Bottle

    Ksh 283
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  • Leffe Blond  330Ml
    Leffe Blond 330Ml
    Leffe Blonde Is A Top Fermented Ale, Which Combines Wonderful Malt Characteristics With A Spicy, Cidery Flavour. A Surprisingly Easy To Drink Strong Beer, That Has A Beautiful Yellow-Gold Colour, A Full Body And A Subtle, Aromatic Flavour.

    Ksh 231
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  • PERONI 330ML
    PERONI 330ML
    Peroni is a Italian liquor classified as lager beers. It contains 5.1% ABV (alcohol by volume)

    Ksh 4,600
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  • Pilsner Lager Can 500Ml 24 Pack
    Pilsner Lager Can 500Ml 24 Pack
    A pale lager termed a Pilsner may have a very light, clear colour from pale to golden yellow, with varying levels of hop aroma and flavour. The alcohol strength of beers termed Pilsner vary but are typically around 4.5%–5% (by volume).

    Ksh 5,700
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  • Pilsner Lager Cans 6 Pack
    Pilsner Lager Cans 6 Pack
     style of brewing is inspired by the original process of brewing

    Ksh 5,700
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    Savanna Dry is produced from crushed apples grown in the Elgin Valley of the fertile Western Cape, and it is described as a clear, refreshing and dry tasting cider. ... Savanna Dry is the first cider produced by Savanna and contains an alcohol level of 6% ABV.

  • Smirnoff Guarana Black 6 Pack
    Ksh 1,200
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  • Stella Artois 330Ml
    Stella Artois 330Ml
    Stella Artois Is A Belgian Pilsner Lager With The Distinctive Taste Of Saaz Hops And Golden In Colour. A Beautifully Balanced, Full-Flavoured Premium Lager With A Pronounced Hoppy Bitterness And A Crisp, Clean And Refreshing Finish.

    Ksh 7,500
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  • Tusker Cider Cans 24 Pack
    Tusker Cider Cans 24 Pack
    Tusker Cider is a deliciously crisp, premium-crafted and refreshing drink created from fresh apples, perfectly balanced for a drinking experience

  • Tusker Lager Cans 24 Pack
    Tusker Lager Cans 24 Pack
    Grab your 6-pack of Tusker Lager today. Best consumed at 3 - 5 degrees Celsius. Store in a cool, dry place

  • Tusker Lite Cans 24 Pack
    Tusker Lite Cans 24 Pack
    Lite Lager in 6-pack of cans of 500ml. Best consumed at 3 - 5 degrees Celsius

  • Tusker Premium Ale Can 24 pack 500ML
    Tusker Premium Ale Can 24 pack 500ML
    Tusker Premium Ale Can 500ML 6 pack

    Ksh 6,210
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  • White Cap Crisp 500ml
    White Cap Crisp 500ml
    White Cap Crisp 500ml

  • White Cap Lager Cans 24 pack
    White Cap Lager Cans 24 pack
    Boasting of consistent quality,unique and full of character