

New Products

  • Pinotage

    Vondellling Bowwood Pinotage Red 750Ml

    Ksh 8,070
  • In A Can

    In A Can Whiskey Collins

    Ksh 400
All new products
  • Ballantines 12Yrs 750ML
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Ballantines 12Yrs 750ML
    The key ingredients in the Ballantines blends are Miltonduff and Glenburgie as well as whisky from around fifty other distilleries. This is a 12 year old scotch whiskey.

    Ksh 4,588
  • Ballantines Finest Whiskey 37.5cl
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Ballantines Finest Whiskey 37.5cl
    Ballantine’s 12 Year Old is a rich, smooth, and complex whisky. Blended from specially selected single malt and grain whiskies. The result is a fully rounded blend, with the perfect balance of honey, oak, fruit, spice and a creamy texture with a refreshing finish.

    Ksh 1,189
  • Ballantines Finest Whiskey 750Ml
    Scotch Whiskey
    Ballantines Finest Whiskey 750Ml
    Tasting Notes: Deep With Hints Of Spice Well Balanced With Tones Of Chocolate, Apple And Vanilla Followed By A Gently Floral Finish Sophisticated After-

  • Balvenie Doublewood 12YO 700mL
    Scotch Whiskey
    Balvenie Doublewood 12YO 700mL
    Balvine 12 years doublewood is a single malt whisky with an alcohol content of is produced in scotlands.

    Ksh 12,400
  • Black & White 1Ltr
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Black & White 1Ltr
    It is a pale-gold appearing whisky with a citrusy note on the nose, along with sharp grain and biscuits aromas and a faint touch of peat. On the palate, Black & White Whisky has notes of sugary dried fruit, young oak, vanilla, caramel and lemon. The finish is short, with a slight sweetness of honey.

    Ksh 1,530
  • Black & White 750Ml
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Black & White 750Ml
    Black & White 750Ml

    Ksh 1,150
  • Bond 7 Whisky 750ML
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Bond 7 Whisky 750ML
    Bond 7 Whisky 750ML

    Ksh 1,750
  • Canadian Club 750ML
    Scotch Whiskey
    Canadian Club 750ML
    The original light and versatile blended whisky, Canadian Club is the only Canadian whisky blended before aging in white oak barrels. This allows the flavours of the rye, rye malt, barley malt, and corn to marry, giving CC its unique, smooth taste.

  • Chivas Regal 12Yrs Whiskey 1L
    Scotch Whiskey
    Chivas Regal 12Yrs Whiskey 1L
    Chivas Regal 12 Is A Blend Of Many Different Malt And Grain Scotch Whiskies, Matured For At Least 12 Years. This Rich, Smooth Blend Combines Style With Substance And Tradition.

  • Chivas Regal 12Yrs Whiskey 4.5Ltr
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Chivas Regal 12Yrs Whiskey 4.5Ltr
    Chivas Regal 12 Is A Blend Of Many Different Malt And Grain Scotch Whiskies, Matured For At Least 12 Years. This Rich, Smooth Blend Combines Style With Substance And Tradition.

    Ksh 24,645
  • Chivas Regal 18 Yrs 1L WGlass
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Chivas Regal 18 Yrs 1L WGlass
    Chivas Regal 18 Years 1L W/Glass

    Ksh 11,900
  • Chivas Regal 18Yrs Whiskey 1Ltr
    Scotch Whiskey
    Chivas Regal 18Yrs Whiskey 1Ltr
    Intensely Fruity With Flavours Of Vanilla And Poached Dessert Pears, Chivas 18 Encompasses Multi-Layered Aromas Of Sweet Orange Marmalade And Dark Chocolate With A Touch Of Spicy Liquorice. The Voluptuous, Velvety Palate Develops Into An Extremely Long, Succulent And Sweet Finish.

    Ksh 13,200
  • Chivas Regal Extra 750Ml
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    Scotch Whiskey
    Chivas Regal Extra 750Ml
    Chivas Regal Extra Is A Blended Scotch Whiskey, Featuring A Hearty Helping Of Oloroso Sherry Cask-Matured Malt Whiskey. The Resulting Is Packed With Dark Fruits And Rich Chocolate, Balanced With Herbal Honey, Spicy Ginger And A Touch Of Cigar Box.750Ml

    Ksh 8,000
  • Chivas Regal Ultis 1Ltr
    Sale!  (-16%)
    Scotch Whiskey
    Chivas Regal Ultis 1Ltr
    Chivas Ultis is the first blended malt whisky from the house of Chivas Regal. Containing five precious hand-selected single malt whiskies, this prestigious whisky was created by Master Blender Sandy Hyslop in honour of his five predecessors who played iconic roles within our history.

    Reduced price!Ksh 31,500 37,500
  • Chivas Regal Ultra 25Yrs 750Ml
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    Scotch Whiskey
    Chivas Regal Ultra 25Yrs 750Ml
    Jim Murray Was Very Taken With This Recently-Launched Chivas Regal 25Yo, Describing It Thus: "Beautiful Delivery...Unbelievably Juicy And Mouthwatering...Unadulterated Class...Leaves You Demanding Another Glass. Brilliant!"

    Ksh 50,548
  • Chivas Regal Whiskey 12Yrs 750Ml
    Scotch Whiskey
    Chivas Regal Whiskey 12Yrs 750Ml
    Chivas Regal 12 Is A Blend Of Many Different Malt And Grain Scotch Whiskies, Matured For At Least 12 Years. This Rich, Smooth Blend Combines Style With Substance And Tradition.

  • Chivas Regal Whiskey 18Yrs 750Ml
    Scotch Whiskey
    Chivas Regal Whiskey 18Yrs 750Ml
    Intensely Fruity With Flavours Of Vanilla And Poached Dessert Pears, Chivas 18 Encompasses Multi-Layered Aromas Of Sweet Orange Marmalade And Dark Chocolate With A Touch Of Spicy Liquorice. The Voluptuous, Velvety Palate Develops Into An Extremely Long, Succulent And Sweet Finish.

    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    The Chivas Regal Ultis is their first blended malt Scotch whisky which contains five precious signature single malts. The Tormore malt presents the palate with rich citrus orange notes.The Longmorn reveals a creamy smooth, vanilla toffee character.

    Ksh 31,250
  • Chivas XV 15Yrs Blended Scotch Whiskey 750Ml
    Scotch Whiskey
    Chivas XV 15Yrs Blended Scotch Whiskey 750Ml
    Chivas Regals 15-year-old blended whisky, luxuriously fruity and sweet thanks to careful cask selection, including some whisky that has been finished in Grande Champagne Cognac casks.

  • Copper Dog 700Ml
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    Scotch Whiskey
    Copper Dog 700Ml
    A combination of eight single malts, Copper Dog is deliciously fruity with a hint of honey and spice. Eight different whiskies from Speyside were combined to create this well-balanced blend, which was designed to be well suited for enjoying in cocktails and mixed drinks.

    Ksh 6,730
  • Craggnmore 12Yrs 75cl
    Scotch Whiskey
    Craggnmore 12Yrs 75cl
    Cragganmore 12 Year Old is adored for its smoky, sweet, honey and orange zest flavor notes. This Scotch is carefully distilled at Cragganmore distillery

  • Crown Royal 1LT
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    Scotch Whiskey
    Crown Royal 1LT
    Crown Royal whiskey Crown Royal Deluxe is the standard of excellence for Canadian whisky. It is an extraordinary blend of 50 full-bodied Canadian whiskies

    Ksh 4,200
  • Dewars 1Lt
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    Scotch Whiskey
    Dewars 1Lt
     A perfectly balanced blend of Scottish heather and honey, with delicate notes of unripened pear and a hint of oak. A delightful blend of soft vanilla with honey and blooming heather; well-rounded with a slice of pear.

    Ksh 5,000
  • Dimple 15YO 750ML
    Sale!  (-18%)
    Scotch Whiskey
    Dimple 15YO 750ML
    Is a blended scotch whisky maly which have been aged for at least 15 years. The main single malt of its composition is Gleckinchie, which has a mild flavour and aroma. This product is rich smooth and complex.

    Reduced price!Ksh 5,415 6,600
  • Famous Black Grouse 750ML
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    Scotch Whiskey
    Famous Black Grouse 750ML
    The Famous Grouse Smoky Black Blended Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Ksh 2,300
  • Famous Grouse 1Ltr
    Scotch Whiskey
    Famous Grouse 1Ltr
    A Rich, Sweet, Well-Rounded Whiskey From Scotland.

  • Famous Grouse 350Ml
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Famous Grouse 350Ml
    A Rich, Sweet, Well-Rounded Whiskey From Scotland.

    Ksh 1,400
  • Famous Grouse 4.5Ltr
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Famous Grouse 4.5Ltr
    A Rich, Sweet, Well-Rounded Whiskey From Scotland.

    Ksh 13,000
  • Famous Grouse 750Ml
    Scotch Whiskey
    Famous Grouse 750Ml
    A Rich, Sweet, Well-Rounded Whiskey From Scotland.

    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Grants Award Winning Flagship Blend, First Created In 1898 By William Grant And These Days Based Around Grain Whiskey From Grants Own Girvan Distillery.

    Ksh 1,880
  • Grants Whiskey 4.5Ltr
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Grants Whiskey 4.5Ltr
    Grant'S Award Winning Flagship Blend, First Created In 1898 By William Grant And These Days Based Around Grain Whiskey From Grant'S Own Girvan Distillery.

    Ksh 9,000
  • Grants Whiskey 750ML
    Scotch Whiskey
    Grants Whiskey 750ML
    Grants whisky is created exclusively from speyside-style single malts to produce a blend with malty ,fruity taste. its taste is described as sweet,smooth and delicate. The whisky has an alcohol content of 40%

  • Imperial Blue 375Ml
    Scotch Whiskey
    Imperial Blue 375Ml
    Imperial Blue, abbreviated to IB and also known as Seagrams Imperial Blue, is a brand of Indian whisk and launched in 1997. It is a blend of Indian grain spirits with imported Scotch malts.

  • Imperial Blue Whiskey 750Ml
    Scotch Whiskey
    Imperial Blue Whiskey 750Ml
    A perfect blend of Indian grain spirits and scotch malts, Imperial Blue Whiskey is known for its exquisite smoothnes

  • J & B Rare 350Ml
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    Scotch Whiskey
    J & B Rare 350Ml
     A medium-bodied nose with hints of walnut, toffee apples, cedar wood, orange zest and malt. Palate: Balanced and rounded nose – lots of fruit here, with a little toffee and malt. Finish: Medium finish with oak and cinnamon.

    Ksh 1,050
  • J & B Scotch Whiskey Rare 1Ltr
    Scotch Whiskey
    J & B Scotch Whiskey Rare 1Ltr
    One Of The Biggest Names In The Blending Market, With Over 6 Million Cases A Year Sold Worldwide, Justerini & Brooks Blend Never Fails To Deliver In Style, Quality And Value For Money.

  • J & B Whiskey Rare 750Ml
    Scotch Whiskey
    J & B Whiskey Rare 750Ml
    One Of The Biggest Names In The Blending Market, With Over 6 Million Cases A Year Sold Worldwide, Justerini & Brooks Blend Never Fails To Deliver In Style, Quality And Value For Money.

  • Johhnie Walker Blue Label 750Ml
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johhnie Walker Blue Label 750Ml
    A 20Cl Bottle Of Johnnie WalkerS Most Prestigious Whiskey. Probably The Most Famous Super-Premium Blend, Made Up Of The Finest Old-Aged Malt And Grain Whiskies. The Cristal Of The Blended Whiskey World. Blue LabelS Bold, Multi-Layered Palate And Silky Delivery Ensure That It Sits Unchallenged At The Top Of The Johnnie Walker Pile.

    Ksh 31,250
  • Johnnie Gold Reserve 15 Years 750Ml
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Gold Reserve 15 Years 750Ml
    Johnnie Walker Gold Label Was Relaunched In 2012. Built Around A Core Of Single Malt Whiskey From Clynelish, The Gold Label Reserve Is A Great Addition To The Line-Up From Master Blender Jim Beveridge.

  • Johnnie Walker (Got Edition)Song Of Fire  750Ml
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker (Got Edition)Song Of Fire 750Ml
    Johnnie Walker A Song Of Fire Scotch Whiskey. Game Of Thrones Inspired Scotch Whiskey

    Ksh 3,950
  • Johnnie Walker (Got Edition)Song Of Ice 70Cl
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker (Got Edition)Song Of Ice 70Cl
    Johnnie Walker A Song Of Ice Scotch Whiskey. Game Of Thrones Inspired Scotch Whiskey

    Ksh 4,200
  • Johnnie Walker Black 250ML
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker Black 250ML
    Johnnie Walker Black 250ML

    Ksh 1,300
  • Johnnie Walker Black Label 1Ltr
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker Black Label 1Ltr
    Johnnie Walker Black LabelS Iconic Square Bottle Makes It One Of The WorldS Most Recognisable Scotch Whiskies - And ItS Also One Of Whiskey Critic Jim MurrayS Favourite Blends If There Is A Silkier Delivery On The Market Today, I Have Not Seen It: This Is Sublime Stuff...One Of The WorldS Most Masterful Whiskies Back In All Its Complex Glory

  • Johnnie Walker Black Label 375Ml
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker Black Label 375Ml
    Johnnie Walker Black LabelS Iconic Square Bottle Makes It One Of The WorldS Most Recognisable Scotch Whiskies - And ItS Also One Of Whiskey Critic Jim MurrayS Favourite Blends: If There Is A Silkier Delivery On The Market Today, I Have Not Seen It: This Is Sublime Stuff...One Of The WorldS Most Masterful Whiskies Back In All Its Complex Glory

  • Johnnie Walker Black Label 3Ltrs
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker Black Label 3Ltrs
    Johnnie Walker Black Labels Iconic Square Bottle Makes It One Of The Worlds Most Recognisable Scotch Whiskies - And Its Also One Of Whiskey Critic Jim Murrays Favourite Blends If There Is A Silkier Delivery On The Market Today, I Have Not Seen It: This Is Sublime Stuff...One Of The Worlds Most Masterful Whiskies Back In All Its Complex Glory

    Ksh 15,000
  • Johnnie Walker Black Label 750Ml
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker Black Label 750Ml
    Johnnie Walker Black LabelS Iconic Square Bottle Makes It One Of The WorldS Most Recognisable Scotch Whiskies - And ItS Also One Of Whiskey Critic Jim MurrayS Favourite Blends: If There Is A Silkier Delivery On The Market Today, I Have Not Seen It: This Is Sublime Stuff...One Of The WorldS Most Masterful Whiskies Back In All Its Complex Glory

  • Johnnie Walker Blue Label 1LT
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker Blue Label 1LT
    Johnnie Walkers most prestigious whisky. Probably THE most famous super-premium blend, made up of the finest old-aged malt and grain whiskies

    Ksh 34,630
  • Johnnie Walker Double Black 1Ltr
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker Double Black 1Ltr
    An Interesting Twist On Johnnie Walker Black Label, Double Black Was Rolled Out For General Release In 2011 After A Successful Launch In Travel Retail. Double Black Adds To The Normal Black Label Profile By Including More Islay Whiskey And Casks That Have Been Heavily Charred, Giving A More Intense Flavour With A Greater Emphasis On Smoke While Keeping True To The Sophisticated Johnnie Walker Style.

  • Johnnie Walker Double Black 750ML
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker Double Black 750ML

    Double Black Johnnie Walker is a blended Scotch whisky from the world`s most popular whisky brand,Johnnie Walker Brand. ... Double Black Johnnie Walker is available in 750ml and 1litre and also it is worthy noting that its alcohol content is 40%,a value typical of all johnnie walker whiskies.

    Ksh 4,920
  • Johnnie Walker Explorer 21Yrs 70cl
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker Explorer 21Yrs 70cl
    Johnnie Walker XR 21YO GB 750ml. Assured, balanced and elegant, it has intriguing layers of intensity that are both surprising and delightful. Sweet honey and tempered spices come cloaked in warming smoke. Citrus zest, ripened tropical fruits and caramel swirl within hints of tobacco and raisins.

    Ksh 18,750
  • Johnnie Walker Gold Reserve 15Yrs 1Ltr
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker Gold Reserve 15Yrs 1Ltr
    Johnnie Walker Gold Label Was Relaunched In 2012. Built Around A Core Of Single Malt Whiskey From Clynelish, The Gold Label Reserve Is A Great Addition To The Line-Up From Master Blender Jim Beveridge.

    Ksh 8,300
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker Green Label contains 43% alcohol. Johnnie Walker Green Label is a perfectly balanced palate of malts, matured for at least 15 years in American and European oak casks. It is true to the Johnnie Walker style of bold flavours and distinctive smokiness.

  • Johnnie Walker King George 70Cl
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker King George 70Cl
    A Special Extension Of The Johnnie Walker Range, King George V Celebrates The First Royal Warrant Granted To John Walker And Sons Ltd To Supply Scotch Whiskey To The British Royal Household In 1934, And Is Apparently Designed To Recreate How Jw Might Have Tasted Back In The Day. Some Port Ellen Has Been Used, Alongside Cardhu, Lochnagar And Some Very Old Grain Whiskey.

    Ksh 67,500
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie walker platinum label is a Scotch whisky classified as blended scotch whisky. It contains 40% ABV (alcohol by volume)

    Ksh 11,900
  • Johnnie Walker Red Label 1Ltr
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker Red Label 1Ltr
    Johnnie Walker Red Label Was Launched In Its Current Form By Brothers George And Alexander Walker In 1909, Though It Had Existed As WalkerS Special Old Highland Red Label For Some Years Previously. Alexander Blended A Type Of Whiskey Which Is More Suited To Mixing With Soda Than The Heavier, More Old-Fashioned Whiskies, And Named It After His Grandfather, Who Had Started The Family Business In 1820. Today It Is The WorldS Most Popular Whiskey And Is Sold In More Than 200 Markets World-Wide.

  • Johnnie Walker Red Label 375Ml
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker Red Label 375Ml
    Johnnie Walker Red Label Was Launched In Its Current Form By Brothers George And Alexander Walker In 1909, Though It Had Existed As WalkerS Special Old Highland Red Label For Some Years Previously. Alexander Blended A Type Of Whiskey Which Is More Suited To Mixing With Soda Than The Heavier, More OldFashioned Whiskies, And Named It After His Grandfather, Who Had Started The Family Business In 1820. Today It Is The WorldS Most Popular Whiskey And Is Sold In More Than 200 Markets World-Wide.

  • Johnnie Walker Red Label 3Ltrs
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker Red Label 3Ltrs
    Johnnie Walker Red Label Was Launched In Its Current Form By Brothers George And Alexander Walker In 1909, Though It Had Existed As Walkers Special Old Highland Red Label For Some Years Previously. Alexander Blended A Type Of Whiskey Which Is More Suited To Mixing With Soda Than The Heavier, More Old-Fashioned Whiskies, And Named It After His Grandfather, Who Had Started The Family Business In 1820. Today It Is The Worlds Most Popular Whiskey And Is Sold In More Than 200 Markets World-Wide.

    Ksh 6,650
  • Johnnie Walker Red Label 4.5Ltr
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker Red Label 4.5Ltr
    Johnnie Walker Red Label Was Launched In Its Current Form By Brothers George And Alexander Walker In 1909, Though It Had Existed As WalkerS Special Old Highland Red Label For Some Years Previously. Alexander Blended A Type Of Whiskey Which Is More Suited To Mixing With Soda Than The Heavier, More Old-Fashioned Whiskies, And Named It After His Grandfather, Who Had Started The Family Business In 1820. Today It Is The WorldS Most Popular Whiskey And Is Sold In More Than 200 Markets World-Wide.

    Ksh 11,710
  • Johnnie Walker Red Label 750Ml
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker Red Label 750Ml
    Johnnie Walker Red Label Was Launched In Its Current Form By Brothers George And Alexander Walker In 1909, Though It Had Existed As WalkerS Special Old Highland Red Label For Some Years Previously. Alexander Blended A Type Of Whiskey Which Is More Suited To Mixing With Soda Than The Heavier, More Old-Fashioned Whiskies, And Named It After His Grandfather, Who Had Started The Family Business In 1820. Today It Is The WorldS Most Popular Whiskey And Is Sold In More Than 200 Markets World-Wide.

  • Johnnie Walker Swing 70Cl
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker Swing 70Cl
    Johnnie Walker Swing Is One Of The Lesser Known Offerings In The Johnnie Walker Brand Product Line. This No-Age-Statement Blended Scotch Whiskey Was First Launched In 1932. You Would Think A Blend That Has Been Around That Long Would Be As Famous As Its Sibling: Red Label.

    Ksh 5,160
  • Johnnie Walker White (Got Edition) 1Ltr
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker White (Got Edition) 1Ltr
    A Brand-New, Limited-Edition Blend From Johnnie Walker Inspired By Game Of Thrones, This Is A Light And Fruity Whiskey Designed To Be Sipped Straight From The Freezer And Allowed To Develop As It Warms. With Notes Of Vanilla And Fresh Fruit, This Is The Perfect Dram For Both Game Of Thrones Fans And Fledgling Whiskey Enthusiasts.

    Ksh 5,700
  • Johnnie Walker White (Got Edition)750Ml
    Sale!  (-15%)
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnnie Walker White (Got Edition)750Ml
    A Brand-New, Limited-Edition Blend From Johnnie Walker Inspired By Game Of Thrones, This Is A Light And Fruity Whiskey Designed To Be Sipped Straight From The Freezer And Allowed To Develop As It Warms. With Notes Of Vanilla And Fresh Fruit, This Is The Perfect Dram For Both Game Of Thrones Fans And Fledgling Whiskey Enthusiasts.

    Reduced price!Ksh 3,900 4,600
  • Johnny Walker 18yo 750Ml
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnny Walker 18yo 750Ml
    Johnny Walker Platinum 750Ml

    Ksh 13,750
  • Johnny Walker Triple Cask Edition lLT
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Johnny Walker Triple Cask Edition lLT
    sweet and spicy Black label finish in casks that have contained Bourbons, followed by Caribbean pot still Rum and finally Scotch Whisky. A rich and wonderfully complex blend with layers of spice, soft ripening orchard fruit and sweet vanilla notes.

    Ksh 5,250
  • Jura Single Malt Scotch Whisky Aged 10Yrs Origin 70Cl
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Jura Single Malt Scotch Whisky Aged 10Yrs Origin 70Cl
    Part of the new core range of whiskies launched by Isle of Jura in early 2018, this 10 year old expression takes the place of Jura Origin. Its initially aged in American white oak bourbon barrels before enjoying a finishing period in Oloroso sherry butts and bottled at 40% ABV. It has the subtle smoke characteristic of Juras excellent Island single malts, with robust vanilla and an intense kick of sherried sweetness underneath.

    Ksh 4,500
  • JW Red Label 250ML
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    JW Red Label 250ML
    JW Red Label 250ML

    Ksh 700
  • Laphroaig 10YO 1LT Malt
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Laphroaig 10YO 1LT Malt

    Laphroaig 10yo is a full-bodied, smoky gem, with a residual sweetness and a hint of salt amid the seaweedy, peaty characters before a long warming finish. A classic dram.

    Ksh 12,500
  • Laphroaig 10YO 75CL Malt
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Laphroaig 10YO 75CL Malt
    Image result for Laphroaig 10YO 75CL Malt description

    Laphroaig 10yo is a full-bodied, smoky gem, with a residual sweetness and a hint of salt amid the seaweedy, peaty characters before a long warming finish. A classic dram.

    Ksh 7,500
  • Laphroaig Quarter Cask 1Ltr
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Laphroaig Quarter Cask 1Ltr
    Laphroaigs classically intense flavour profile, you might be expecting a massively in-your-face dram, but the result is very well-balanced between coastal smoke and sweet, chewy vanilla notes.

    Ksh 10,650
  • Mac Mohan Grain Whiskey 750Ml
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Mac Mohan Grain Whiskey 750Ml
    The Award Winning Whiskeyit Is The Market-Leading Scotch Whiskey 12 Years And Above In Europe And Asia Pacific. Chivas Regal Sales Grew By 61% Between ...

    Ksh 750
  • Monkey Shoulder 1Ltr
    Scotch Whiskey
    Monkey Shoulder 1Ltr
    Monkey Shoulder Is A Mix Of Three Different Speyside Single Malts And Is Great With Mixers Or Just On Its Own. Smooth, Sweet And Very Easy To Drink.

  • Monkey Shoulder 70Cl
    Scotch Whiskey
    Monkey Shoulder 70Cl
    Monkey Shoulder Is A Mix Of Three Different Speyside Single Malts And Is Great With Mixers Or Just On Its Own. Smooth, Sweet And Very Easy To Drink.

  • Monkey Shoulder Swing 4.5ltrs
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Monkey Shoulder Swing 4.5ltrs
    Monkey Shoulder Scotch is a superb blended malt whisky from William Grant, made with single malts from three famous Speyside distilleries. The result is a smooth, creamy, supple and very malty Scotch which works superbly well neat, over ice, or in whisky cocktails (where it really excels).

    Ksh 30,000
  • Naked groose 1ltr
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Naked groose 1ltr
    Combining a splendid blend of single malt whiskies, Naked Malt is allowed to mature in first-fill Oloroso sherry casks. The name refers to the fact that the casks have never held whisky before, meaning that all that rich, fruity sherry goodness is imparted straight into this tasty blend! Nice and versatile, its a solid sipper and ideal to have handy when mixing up some cocktails!

    Ksh 3,975
  • Naked Groose 700ml
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Naked Groose 700ml
    Combining a splendid blend of single malt whiskies, Naked Malt is allowed to mature in first-fill Oloroso sherry casks. The name refers to the fact that the casks have never held whisky before, meaning that all that rich, fruity sherry goodness is imparted straight into this tasty blend! Nice and versatile, its a solid sipper and ideal to have handy when mixing up some cocktails!

    Ksh 3,200
  • OBAN 14YO 75CL
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    OBAN 14YO 75CL
    Notes of citrus with smooth sweetness. The smoke wafts with notes of seaweed. The oak is quite rich with grist and cereal and malt

    Ksh 7,770
  • Oban Bay Reserve 700Ml
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Oban Bay Reserve 700Ml
    Just like Castle Black, Oban Distillery sits at the foot of a steep cliff that overlooks the bay, the frontier between the West Highlands and the Islands of Scotland. ... On the nose this Oban has aromas of hay and tangy savoury aromas, but calms into cocoa and Morello cherries.

    Ksh 10,700
  • Passport Scotch Whiskey 750Ml
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Passport Scotch Whiskey 750Ml
    A Bottle Of The Ever Popular Passport Blended Scotch Whiskey. With A Fruity And Creamy Finish, ItS, According To Their Website In 2013, The Second Best Selling Whiskey In Brazil.

    Ksh 1,450
  • Royal Cresent Whiskey 1Ltr
    Scotch Whiskey
    Royal Cresent Whiskey 1Ltr
    Cromwell Royal Deluxe Scotch Whiskey Is A Young Whiskey, Whose Temperament Fresh And Naughty Surprises The Lovers. This Light Whiskey Has An Alcohol Content Of 40% Vol. And Can Be Pure Or On The Rocks Will Be Enjoyed. Like He Is Drunk With Room Temperature Combined With A Splash Of Water.

  • Royal Salute 21Yrs 700Ml
    Scotch Whiskey
    Royal Salute 21Yrs 700Ml
    One Of The Jewels In The Chivas Crown, Royal Salute Was Created To Celebrate The Coronation Of Queen Elizabeth Ii. This 21 Year Old Is A Robust And Sophisticated Whiskey, With Fruity Aromas And Delicate Floral Spices. It Is Presented In A Unique Porcelain Flagon, Painted With A Sapphire Glaze Reminiscent Of The Gems Set Within The Imperial State Crown.

    Ksh 18,195
  • Royal stag whiskey 750ml
    Scotch Whiskey
    Royal stag whiskey 750ml
    Royal Stag, also known as Seagrams Royal Stag, is an Indian brand of whisky launched in 1995. ... 

  • Shackleton Blended Malt 700ML
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Shackleton Blended Malt 700ML
    He has combined the best Highland malt whiskies, allowing them to marry over a long period to create an enigmatic blended malt with a dash of body and a whisper of smoke. It has complex notes of vanilla, honey and orchard fruits with real warmth and depth at its heart, like Shackleton himself.

    Ksh 5,630
  • Strathisla 12YO Malt Whiskey 1Ltr
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Strathisla 12YO Malt Whiskey 1Ltr
    Strathisla 122YO Malt Whiskey 1Ltr

    Ksh 8,099
  • Teachers Scotch Whiskey 1Ltr
    Scotch Whiskey
    Teachers Scotch Whiskey 1Ltr
    Teachers Scotch Whiskey 1Ltr

    Scotch Whiskey
    A deep and robust maltiness shows through at the very start that is accompanied by a gentle highland peat smoke tang.

  • Vat 69 1Ltr
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Vat 69 1Ltr
    Vat 69 Is A Famous Old Brand Of Blended Whiskey, Chosen By Sir Ernest Shackleton To Accompany Him On His Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition Of 1914 For Medicinal And Celebratory Purposes, And Also Famously The Favourite Whiskey Of Captain Lewis Nixon Of The 506Th Parachute Infantry Regiment, Immortalised In The Book And Tv Series Band Of Brothers.

    Ksh 1,560
  • VAT 69 375mL
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    VAT 69 375mL
    vat 69 is a whisky that belongs to the VAT 69 family. vat 69 is classfied as a whisky and belongs to the blended-scotch-whiskysub category.

    Ksh 820
  • Vat 69 750Ml
    Scotch Whiskey
    Vat 69 750Ml
    Vat 69 Is A Famous Old Brand Of Blended Whiskey, Chosen By Sir Ernest Shackleton To Accompany Him On His Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition Of 1914  For Medicinal And Celebratory Purposes, And Also Famously The Favourite Whiskey Of Captain Lewis Nixon Of The 506Th Parachute Infantry Regiment, Immortalised In The Book And Tv Series Band Of Brothers.

  • Whiskey Cromwells Royal 3ANS AGE 70Cl
    Sale!  (-18%)
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    Whiskey Cromwells Royal 3ANS AGE 70Cl
    Has a very balanced taste of smoke and malt.

    Reduced price!Ksh 1,030 1,260
  • William Lawson 1Ltr
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    William Lawson 1Ltr
    A Classic Blended Scotch Whiskey With A Sweet,Medium-Bodied Flavour. Made With A High Malt Content

    Ksh 1,750
  • William Lawson 750Ml
    AvailableOnline only
    Scotch Whiskey
    William Lawson 750Ml
    William Lawsons Is A Classic Blended Scotch Whiskey With A Sweet, Medium-Bodied Flavour. Made With A High Malt Content, The Blend Was First Produced By William Lawson In 1849.

    Ksh 1,350